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由Tim Hancock和JannikWikkelsø撰写。
HanKjøbenhavn,经常被称为HANKjøbenhavn,是丹麦哥本哈根的男装品牌它由JannikWikkelsøDavidsen和Tim Faith Hancock于2008 年创立,当时他们推出了一条眼镜系列,并迅速扩展为完整的服装系列。
“我们的意识形态建立在丹麦设计美德的基础上,并强调丹麦家具建筑系列。当我们创造轮廓和结构时,它就在我们内心深处,注重细节和高工艺。” - 蒂姆汉考克
Han Kjobenhavn今天是丹麦最重要的设计师品牌之一,并在伦敦的自由,纽约的Barneys,巴黎的Colette以及上海和北京的Akenz商店等顶级百货和零售店销往世界各地
HanKjøbenhavn经常被Lebron james和Lewis Hamilton等超级明星所警告。
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作者:Paw Engelhardt
作为一个植根于艺术和街头文化的生活方式品牌,APOCS将时尚与简约与功能性和当代男装款式相结合  设计和美学的简约,又各具特色,并在工厂以独特的视角- RICS体现了永恒的灵感,这个城市。
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KRAKATAU //科技街头服饰

KRAKATAU是一家于1999年在俄罗斯圣彼得堡成立的Urban tech streetwear。
他的系列展示了自己对“都市科技服饰”的大量展示。  裤子,T恤,长袖,状语从句:鞋类夹克提供各种透气,状语从句:面料防水防风在保护穿着者状语从句:功能的性方面,包括密封接缝,防水拉链和反光装饰,件具有预期的铃铛状语从句:口哨,佩戴确保者随时准备面对元素,无论在什么条件下。
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Blue de Gênes is a denim label taking its inspiration from the origin of jeans: the history of jeans started in Genoa, Italy, more than 400 years ago. At that time, the harbour workers in Genoa used a robust fabric called “Geanes fustian”, made of Arab cotton, for working clothes and sailcloth. The material was dyed blue with indigo, very strong and thus well suited for work pants for these hardworking dockers and sailors.
This fabric was exported to other countries, and eventually known as the Blue from Genoa, or in French “Bleu de Gênes” since Genoa at that time belonged to France. The English adaptation of the expression then became “Blue Jeans”.
The story behind the blue jeans and Blue de Gênes is the starting point of this collection, a clothing line with an authentic look and high quality materials, fea-turing hand knitted sweaters, and Japanese selvage fabrics. Blue de Gênes jeans are produced in Italy, and just as Blue de Gênes is a family run business, the suppliers are small family run factories.
Each pair is signed and stamped by the tailor to assure perfection in every detail.


Established 1983 in Denmark
By Ole Madsen
GABBA is a denim brand with more than thirty years’ experience in making jeans. We study and work with the material to create the coolest expression. We strive to get the utmost out of our work with fabrics, trims, washes and details. We are driven and determined. We are dedicated to denim. We travel the world to find inspiration for our collections. We are on a hunt for denim.
Dedicated to Denim
Since 1983


Established 1916 in Finland
Karhu is a Finnish sports brand. Karhu, meaning bear in Finnish, was first using as a sporting goods brand in 1916
Karhu’s shoes today utilize Fulcrum Technology. It is a midsole solution that makes energy from the runner flow horizontally instead of vertically. A triangu-lar, hard compressed unit that allows the foot to roll effectively, allowing your feet to move through their natural path as fast and safe as possible.


Nikben brandstory
Established 2013 in Sweden
By Nicklas and Benjamin
Quality bathing trunks designed in Sweden. Although born in Sweden, Nicklas aka NIK was bred on the beaches across the southern parts of Europe. Swimwear became his natural choice of apparel in his everyday life, not only for lazy days bumming on the beach, but also at the gym, relaxing at home or even on the golf course. 
Benjamin aka BEN was born on the Swedish west coast, typically spending his summers hopping from island to island on sailboats in their renowned archipel-ago. He would later be found at Central Saint Martins in London - surrounded with endless amounts of inspiration and creativity, he developed a vision to es-tablish a product that would bring fashion to new dimensions. 
NIK and BEN crossed paths in Spain, bonded instantly, a few years onwards they decided to take destiny in their own hands - the rest is history. It is not a rare sight to find traditional wallpaper and flowery prints on men’s swimwear today. A classical concept that NIKBEN believes can be further devel-oped by offering swimwear that conveys not only a pattern, but also a statement or an unforeseen “twist”.
NIKBEN is sold in top retailer locations around the world such as Harrolds, Nordstrom, Galerie Lafayette and Fortnum & Mason.


Established 2014 in Copenhagen
By Jens Christensen
牛仔裤出现在商店的较暗区域,具有轻巧的复古功能,将牛仔品牌蓝DE基因背后的商店带出HanKjøbenhavn太阳镜也放在商店前面,并用一些轻巧舒适的LED灯突出显示太阳镜的颜色状语从句:形状。在季节,ap parel 被放置在商店前面的货架上,而商店后面的休息区则有更多的选择